Source code for pubmed_parser.pubmed_oa_parser

Parsers for PubMed XML
import os
from lxml import etree
from itertools import chain
from .utils import read_xml, stringify_affiliation_rec, stringify_children
from unidecode import unidecode

__all__ = [

def list_xml_path(path_dir):
    List full xml path under given directory

    path_dir: str, path to directory that contains xml or nxml file

    path_list: list, list of xml or nxml file from given path
    fullpath = [
        os.path.join(dp, f)
        for dp, dn, fn in os.walk(os.path.expanduser(path_dir))
        for f in fn
    path_list = [
        for folder in fullpath
        if os.path.splitext(folder)[-1] in (".nxml", ".xml")
    return path_list

def zip_author(author):
    Give a list of author and its affiliation keys
    in this following format
        [first_name, last_name, [key1, key2]]
    and return the output in
        [[first_name, last_name, key1], [first_name, last_name, key2]] instead
    author_zipped = list(zip([[author[0], author[1]]] * len(author[-1]), author[-1]))
    return list(map(lambda x: x[0] + [x[-1]], author_zipped))

def flatten_zip_author(author_list):
    Apply zip_author to author_list and flatten it
    author_zipped_list = map(zip_author, author_list)
    return list(chain.from_iterable(author_zipped_list))

def parse_article_meta(tree):
    Parse PMID, PMC and DOI from given article tree
    article_meta = tree.find(".//article-meta")
    if article_meta is not None:
        pmid_node = article_meta.find('article-id[@pub-id-type="pmid"]')
        pmc_node = article_meta.find('article-id[@pub-id-type="pmc"]')
        pub_id_node = article_meta.find('article-id[@pub-id-type="publisher-id"]')
        doi_node = article_meta.find('article-id[@pub-id-type="doi"]')
        pmid_node = None
        pmc_node = None
        pub_id_node = None
        doi_node = None

    pmid = pmid_node.text if pmid_node is not None else ""
    pmc = pmc_node.text if pmc_node is not None else ""
    pub_id = pub_id_node.text if pub_id_node is not None else ""
    doi = doi_node.text if doi_node is not None else ""

    dict_article_meta = {"pmid": pmid, "pmc": pmc, "doi": doi, "publisher_id": pub_id}

    return dict_article_meta

def parse_coi_statements(tree):
    Parse conflict of interest statements from given article tree
    coi_paths = (

    for path in coi_paths:
        for el in tree.xpath(path):
            yield '\n'.join(el.itertext())

[docs]def parse_pubmed_xml(path, include_path=False, nxml=False): """ Given an input XML path to PubMed XML file, extract information and metadata from a given XML file and return parsed XML file in dictionary format. You can check ```` to list of available files to download Parameters ---------- path: str A path to a given PumMed XML file include_path: bool if True, include a key 'path_to_file' in an output dictionary default: False nxml: bool if True, this will strip a namespace of an XML after reading a file see to default: False Return ------ dict_out: dict A dictionary contains a following keys from a parsed XML path 'full_title', 'abstract', 'journal', 'pmid', 'pmc', 'doi', 'publisher_id', 'author_list', 'affiliation_list', 'publication_year', 'publication_date', 'subjects' } """ tree = read_xml(path, nxml) tree_title = tree.find(".//title-group/article-title") if tree_title is not None: title = [t for t in tree_title.itertext()] sub_title = tree.xpath(".//title-group/subtitle/text()") title.extend(sub_title) title = [t.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ") for t in title] full_title = " ".join(title) else: full_title = "" try: abstracts = list() abstract_tree = tree.findall(".//abstract") for a in abstract_tree: for t in a.itertext(): text = t.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ").strip() abstracts.append(text) abstract = " ".join(abstracts) except BaseException: abstract = "" journal_node = tree.findall(".//journal-title") if journal_node is not None: journal = " ".join([j.text for j in journal_node]) else: journal = "" dict_article_meta = parse_article_meta(tree) pub_year_node = tree.find(".//pub-date/year") pub_year = pub_year_node.text if pub_year_node is not None else "" pub_month_node = tree.find(".//pub-date/month") pub_month = pub_month_node.text if pub_month_node is not None else "01" pub_day_node = tree.find(".//pub-date/day") pub_day = pub_day_node.text if pub_day_node is not None else "01" subjects_node = tree.findall(".//article-categories//subj-group/subject") subjects = list() if subjects_node is not None: for s in subjects_node: subject = " ".join([s_.strip() for s_ in s.itertext()]).strip() subjects.append(subject) subjects = "; ".join(subjects) else: subjects = "" # create affiliation dictionary affil_id = tree.xpath(".//aff[@id]/@id") if len(affil_id) > 0: affil_id = list(map(str, affil_id)) else: affil_id = [""] # replace id with empty list affil_name = tree.xpath(".//aff[@id]") affil_name_list = list() for e in affil_name: name = stringify_affiliation_rec(e) name = name.strip().replace("\n", " ") affil_name_list.append(name) affiliation_list = [[idx, name] for idx, name in zip(affil_id, affil_name_list)] tree_author = tree.xpath('.//contrib-group/contrib[@contrib-type="author"]') author_list = list() for author in tree_author: author_aff = author.findall('xref[@ref-type="aff"]') try: ref_id_list = [str(a.attrib["rid"]) for a in author_aff] except BaseException: ref_id_list = "" try: author_list.append( [ author.find("name/surname").text, author.find("name/given-names").text, ref_id_list, ] ) except BaseException: author_list.append(["", "", ref_id_list]) author_list = flatten_zip_author(author_list) coi_statement = '\n'.join(parse_coi_statements(tree)) dict_out = { "full_title": full_title.strip(), "abstract": abstract, "journal": journal, "pmid": dict_article_meta["pmid"], "pmc": dict_article_meta["pmc"], "doi": dict_article_meta["doi"], "publisher_id": dict_article_meta["publisher_id"], "author_list": author_list, "affiliation_list": affiliation_list, "publication_year": pub_year, "publication_date": "{}-{}-{}".format(pub_day, pub_month, pub_year), "subjects": subjects, "coi_statement": coi_statement, } if include_path: dict_out["path_to_file"] = path return dict_out
[docs]def parse_pubmed_references(path): """ Given path to xml file, parse references articles to list of dictionary Parameters ---------- path: str A string to an XML path. Return ------ dict_refs: list A list contains dictionary for references made in a given file. """ tree = read_xml(path) dict_article_meta = parse_article_meta(tree) pmid = dict_article_meta["pmid"] pmc = dict_article_meta["pmc"] references = tree.xpath(".//ref-list/ref[@id]") dict_refs = list() for reference in references: ref_id = reference.attrib["id"] if reference.find("mixed-citation") is not None: ref = reference.find("mixed-citation") elif reference.find("element-citation") is not None: ref = reference.find("element-citation") else: ref = None if ref is not None: if "publication-type" in ref.attrib.keys() and ref is not None: if ref.attrib.values() is not None: journal_type = ref.attrib.values()[0] else: journal_type = "" names = list() if ref.find("name") is not None: for n in ref.findall("name"): name = " ".join([t.text or "" for t in n.getchildren()][::-1]) names.append(name) elif ref.find("person-group") is not None: for n in ref.find("person-group"): name = " ".join( n.xpath("given-names/text()") + n.xpath("surname/text()") ) names.append(name) if ref.find("article-title") is not None: article_title = stringify_children(ref.find("article-title")) or "" article_title = article_title.replace("\n", " ").strip() else: article_title = "" if ref.find("source") is not None: journal = ref.find("source").text or "" else: journal = "" if ref.find("year") is not None: year = ref.find("year").text or "" else: year = "" if len(ref.findall("pub-id")) >= 1: for pubid in ref.findall("pub-id"): if "doi" in pubid.attrib.values(): doi_cited = pubid.text else: doi_cited = "" if "pmid" in pubid.attrib.values(): pmid_cited = pubid.text else: pmid_cited = "" else: doi_cited = "" pmid_cited = "" dict_ref = { "pmid": pmid, "pmc": pmc, "ref_id": ref_id, "pmid_cited": pmid_cited, "doi_cited": doi_cited, "article_title": article_title, "name": "; ".join(names), "year": year, "journal": journal, "journal_type": journal_type, } dict_refs.append(dict_ref) if len(dict_refs) == 0: dict_refs = None return dict_refs
[docs]def parse_pubmed_paragraph(path, all_paragraph=False): """ Give path to a given PubMed OA file, parse and return a dictionary of all paragraphs, section that it belongs to, and a list of reference made in each paragraph as a list of PMIDs Parameters ---------- path: str A string to an XML path. all_paragraph: bool By default, this function will only append a paragraph if there is at least one reference made in a paragraph (to aviod noisy parsed text). A boolean indicating if you want to include paragraph with no references made or not if True, include all paragraphs if False, include only paragraphs that have references default: False Return ------ dict_pars: list A list contains dictionary for paragraph text and its metadata. Metadata includes 'pmc' of an article, 'pmid' of an article, 'reference_ids' which is a list of reference ``rid`` made in a paragraph, 'section' name of an article, and section 'text' """ tree = read_xml(path) dict_article_meta = parse_article_meta(tree) pmid = dict_article_meta["pmid"] pmc = dict_article_meta["pmc"] paragraphs = tree.xpath("//body//p") dict_pars = list() for paragraph in paragraphs: paragraph_text = stringify_children(paragraph) section = paragraph.find("../title") if section is not None: section = stringify_children(section).strip() else: section = "" ref_ids = list() for reference in paragraph.getchildren(): if "rid" in reference.attrib.keys(): ref_id = reference.attrib["rid"] ref_ids.append(ref_id) dict_par = { "pmc": pmc, "pmid": pmid, "reference_ids": ref_ids, "section": section, "text": paragraph_text, } if len(ref_ids) >= 1 or all_paragraph: dict_pars.append(dict_par) return dict_pars
[docs]def parse_pubmed_caption(path): """ Given single xml path, extract figure caption and reference id back to that figure Parameters ---------- path: str A string to an PubMed OA XML path Return ------ dict_captions: list A list contains all dictionary of figure ID ('fig_id') with its metadata. Metadata includes 'pmid', 'pmc', 'fig_caption' (figure's caption), 'graphic_ref' (a file name corresponding to a figure file in OA bulk download) Examples -------- >>> pubmed_parser.parse_pubmed_caption('data/pone.0000217.nxml') [{ 'pmid': '17299597', 'pmc': '1790863', 'fig_caption': "Fisher's geometric model in two-dimensional phenotypic space. ...", 'fig_id': 'pone-0000217-g001', 'fig_label': 'Figure 1', 'graphic_ref': 'pone.0000217.g001' }, ...] """ tree = read_xml(path) dict_article_meta = parse_article_meta(tree) pmid = dict_article_meta["pmid"] pmc = dict_article_meta["pmc"] figs = tree.findall(".//fig") dict_captions = list() if figs is not None: for fig in figs: fig_id = fig.attrib["id"] fig_label = fig.find("label") if fig_label is not None: fig_label = stringify_children(fig_label) fig_captions = fig.find("caption") if fig_captions is not None: fig_captions = fig_captions.getchildren() caption = " ".join([stringify_children(c) for c in fig_captions]) graphic = fig.find("graphic") graphic_ref = None if graphic is not None: graphic_ref = graphic.attrib.values()[0] list_items = fig.findall(".//list-item") fig_list_items = [] for list_item in list_items: item_label = stringify_children(list_item.find("label")) item_text = stringify_children(list_item.find("p")) fig_list_items.append((item_label, item_text)) dict_caption = { "pmid": pmid, "pmc": pmc, "fig_caption": caption, "fig_id": fig_id, "fig_label": fig_label, "fig_list-items": fig_list_items, "graphic_ref": graphic_ref, } dict_captions.append(dict_caption) if not dict_captions: dict_captions = None return dict_captions
def table_to_df(table_text): """ This is a function to transform an input table XML text to list of row values and columns. This will return a list of column names, and list of list of values in the table Parameters ---------- table_text: str An XML string of table parsed from PubMed OA Return ------ columns, row_values: tuple (list, list) ``columns`` is a list of column names of the table, ``row_values`` is a list of list of values in the table """ table_tree = etree.fromstring(table_text) columns = [] for tr in table_tree.xpath("thead/tr"): for c in tr.getchildren(): columns.append(unidecode(stringify_children(c))) row_values = [] len_rows = [] for tr in table_tree.findall("tbody/tr"): es = tr.xpath("td") row_value = [unidecode(stringify_children(e)) for e in es] len_rows.append(len(es)) row_values.append(row_value) if len(len_rows) >= 1: len_row = max(set(len_rows), key=len_rows.count) row_values = [ r for r in row_values if len(r) == len_row ] # remove row with different length return columns, row_values else: return None, None
[docs]def parse_pubmed_table(path, return_xml=True): """ Parse table from given Pubmed Open-Access XML file Parameters ---------- path: str A string to an PubMed OA XML path return_xml: bool if True, a dictionary (in an output list) will have a key 'table_xml' which is an XML string of a parsed table default: True Return ------ table_dicts: list A list contains all dictionary of table with its metadata. Metadata includes 'pmid', 'pmc', 'label' (in a full text), 'caption' """ tree = read_xml(path) dict_article_meta = parse_article_meta(tree) pmid = dict_article_meta["pmid"] pmc = dict_article_meta["pmc"] # parse table tables = tree.xpath(".//body.//sec.//table-wrap") table_dicts = list() for table in tables: if table.find("label") is not None: label = unidecode(table.find("label").text or "") else: label = "" # table caption if table.find("caption/p") is not None: caption_node = table.find("caption/p") elif table.find("caption/title") is not None: caption_node = table.find("caption/title") else: caption_node = None if caption_node is not None: caption = unidecode(stringify_children(caption_node).strip()) else: caption = "" # table content if table.find("table") is not None: table_tree = table.find("table") elif table.find("alternatives/table") is not None: table_tree = table.find("alternatives/table") else: table_tree = None if table_tree is not None: table_xml = etree.tostring(table_tree) columns, row_values = table_to_df(table_xml) if row_values is not None: table_dict = { "pmid": pmid, "pmc": pmc, "label": label, "caption": caption, "table_columns": columns, "table_values": row_values, } if return_xml: table_dict["table_xml"] = table_xml table_dicts.append(table_dict) if len(table_dicts) >= 1: return table_dicts else: return None