Source code for pubmed_parser.medline_parser

Parsers for MEDLINE XML
import re
import gzip
from itertools import chain

from lxml import etree

from pubmed_parser.utils import read_xml, stringify_children, month_or_day_formater

def parse_pmid(pubmed_article):
    A function to parse PMID from a given Pubmed Article tree

    pubmed_article: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    pmid: str
        A string of PubMed ID parsed from a given
    medline = pubmed_article.find("MedlineCitation")
    if medline.find("PMID") is not None:
        pmid = medline.find("PMID").text
        return pmid
        article_ids = pubmed_article.find("PubmedData/ArticleIdList")
        if article_ids is not None:
            pmid = article_ids.find('ArticleId[@IdType="pmid"]')
            if pmid is not None:
                if pmid.text is not None:
                    pmid = pmid.text.strip()
                    pmid = ""
                pmid = ""
            pmid = ""
    return pmid

def parse_doi(pubmed_article):
    A function to parse DOI from a given Pubmed Article tree

    pubmed_article: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    doi: str
        A string of DOI parsed from a given ``pubmed_article``
    medline = pubmed_article.find("MedlineCitation")
    article = medline.find("Article")
    elocation_ids = article.findall("ELocationID")

    if len(elocation_ids) > 0:
        for e in elocation_ids:
            doi = e.text.strip() or "" if e.attrib.get("EIdType", "") == "doi" else ""
        article_ids = pubmed_article.find("PubmedData/ArticleIdList")
        if article_ids is not None:
            doi = article_ids.find('ArticleId[@IdType="doi"]')
            doi = (
                (doi.text.strip() if doi.text is not None else "")
                if doi is not None
                else ""
            doi = ""
    return doi

def parse_mesh_terms(medline, parse_subs=False):
    A function to parse MESH terms from article

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document
    parse_subs: bool
        If True, parse mesh subterms as well.
    mesh_terms: str
        String of semi-colon ``;`` spearated MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
        terms contained in the document.
    if parse_subs:
        return parse_mesh_terms_with_subs(medline)
    if medline.find("MeshHeadingList") is not None:
        mesh = medline.find("MeshHeadingList")
        mesh_terms_list = [
            m.find("DescriptorName").attrib.get("UI", "")
            + ":"
            + m.find("DescriptorName").text
            for m in mesh.getchildren()
        mesh_terms = "; ".join(mesh_terms_list)
        mesh_terms = ""
    return mesh_terms

def parse_mesh_terms_with_subs(medline):
    A function to parse MESH terms and subterms from article

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    mesh_terms: str
        String of semi-colon ``;`` spearated MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms contained in the document
        and mesh subterms concatenated " / "
        and appended with * if the subterm is a major topic.
    if medline.find("MeshHeadingList") is not None:
        mesh = medline.find("MeshHeadingList")
        mesh_terms_list = []
        for m in mesh.getchildren():
            term = m.find("DescriptorName").attrib.get("UI", "") + ":" + \
            if m.attrib.get("MajorTopicYN", "") == "Y":
                term += "*"
            for q in m.findall("QualifierName"):
                term += " / " + q.attrib.get("UI", "") + ":" + \
                if q.attrib.get("MajorTopicYN", "") == "Y":
                    term += "*"
        mesh_terms = "; ".join(mesh_terms_list)
        mesh_terms = ""
    return mesh_terms

def split_mesh(mesh):
    """String split a string from parse_mesh_terms_with_subs()

    mesh: str
        A string returned from parse_mesh_terms_with_subs()

    mesh_list: List of List of 2-tuples of strings
        A list representation of the mesh headings

    # >>> pubmed_parser.split_mesh('D001249:Asthma / Q000188:drug therapy*; D001993:Bronchodilator Agents / Q000008:administration & dosage* / Q000009:adverse effects
    [[('D001249', 'Asthma'), ('Q000188', 'drug therapy*')],
     [('D001993', 'Bronchodilator Agents'), ('Q000008', 'administration & dosage*'), ('Q000009', 'adverse effects')]]
    mesh_list = []
    for term in mesh.split("; "):
        subs = []
        for subterm in term.split(" / "):
            ui, descriptor = subterm.split(":")
            subs.append((ui, descriptor))
    return mesh_list

def parse_publication_types(medline):
    """Parse Publication types from article

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    publication_types: str
        String of semi-colon spearated publication types
    publication_types = []
    publication_type_list = medline.find("Article/PublicationTypeList")
    if publication_type_list is not None:
        publication_type_list = publication_type_list.findall("PublicationType")
        for publication_type in publication_type_list:
                publication_type.attrib.get("UI", "")
                + ":"
                + (publication_type.text.strip() or "")
    publication_types = "; ".join(publication_types)
    return publication_types

def parse_keywords(medline):
    """Parse keywords from article, separated by ;

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    keywords: str
        String of concatenated keywords.
    keyword_list = medline.find("KeywordList")
    keywords = list()
    if keyword_list is not None:
        for k in keyword_list.findall("Keyword"):
            if k.text is not None:
        keywords = "; ".join(keywords)
        keywords = ""
    return keywords

def parse_chemical_list(medline):
    """Parse chemical list from article

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    chemical_list: str
        String of semi-colon spearated chemical list
    chemical_list = []
    chemicals = medline.find("ChemicalList")
    if chemicals is not None:
        for chemical in chemicals.findall("Chemical"):
            substance_name = chemical.find("NameOfSubstance")
                substance_name.attrib.get("UI", "")
                + ":"
                + (substance_name.text.strip() or "")
    chemical_list = "; ".join(chemical_list)
    return chemical_list

def parse_other_id(medline):
    """Parse OtherID from article, each separated by ;

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    other_id: str
        String of semi-colon separated Other IDs found in the document
    pmc = ""
    other_id = list()
    oids = medline.findall("OtherID")
    if oids is not None:
        for oid in oids:
            if "PMC" in oid.text:
                pmc = oid.text
        other_id = "; ".join(other_id)
        other_id = ""
    return {"pmc": pmc, "other_id": other_id}

def parse_journal_info(medline):
    """Parse MEDLINE journal information

    medline: Element
        The lxml node pointing to a medline document

    dict_out: dict
        dictionary with keys including `medline_ta`, `nlm_unique_id`,
        `issn_linking` and `country`
    journal_info = medline.find("MedlineJournalInfo")
    if journal_info is not None:
        if journal_info.find("MedlineTA") is not None:
            medline_ta = (
                journal_info.find("MedlineTA").text or ""
            )  # equivalent to Journal name
            medline_ta = ""
        if journal_info.find("NlmUniqueID") is not None:
            nlm_unique_id = journal_info.find("NlmUniqueID").text or ""
            nlm_unique_id = ""
        if journal_info.find("ISSNLinking") is not None:
            issn_linking = journal_info.find("ISSNLinking").text
            issn_linking = ""
        if journal_info.find("Country") is not None:
            country = journal_info.find("Country").text or ""
            country = ""
        medline_ta = ""
        nlm_unique_id = ""
        issn_linking = ""
        country = ""
    dict_info = {
        "medline_ta": medline_ta.strip(),
        "nlm_unique_id": nlm_unique_id,
        "issn_linking": issn_linking,
        "country": country,
    return dict_info

[docs] def parse_grant_id(pubmed_article): """Parse Grant ID and related information from a given MEDLINE tree Parameters ---------- pubmed_article: Element The lxml node pointing to a medline document Returns ------- grant_list: list List of grants acknowledged in the publications. Each entry in the dictionary contains the PubMed ID, grant ID, grant acronym, country, and agency. """ medline = pubmed_article.find("MedlineCitation") article = medline.find("Article") grants = article.find("GrantList") grant_list = list() if grants is not None: grants_list = grants.getchildren() for grant in grants_list: grant_country = grant.find("Country") if grant_country is not None: country = grant_country.text else: country = "" grant_agency = grant.find("Agency") if grant_agency is not None: agency = grant_agency.text else: agency = "" grant_acronym = grant.find("Acronym") if grant_acronym is not None: acronym = grant_acronym.text else: acronym = "" grant_id = grant.find("GrantID") if grant_id is not None: gid = grant_id.text else: gid = "" grant_dict = { "grant_id": gid, "grant_acronym": acronym, "country": country, "agency": agency, } grant_list.append(grant_dict) return grant_list
def parse_author_affiliation(medline): """Parse MEDLINE authors and their corresponding affiliations Parameters ---------- medline: Element The lxml node pointing to a medline document Returns ------- authors: list List of authors and their corresponding affiliation in dictionary format """ authors = [] article = medline.find("Article") if article is not None: author_list = article.find("AuthorList") if author_list is not None: authors_list = author_list.findall("Author") for author in authors_list: if author.find("ForeName") is not None: forename = (author.find("ForeName").text or "").strip() or "" else: forename = "" if author.find("Initials") is not None: initials = (author.find("Initials").text or "").strip() or "" else: initials = "" if author.find("LastName") is not None: lastname = (author.find("LastName").text or "").strip() or "" else: lastname = "" if author.find("Identifier") is not None: identifier = (author.find("Identifier").text or "").strip() or "" else: identifier = "" if author.find("AffiliationInfo/Affiliation") is not None: affiliation = list(chain(*([c.text] for c in author.findall("AffiliationInfo/Affiliation")))) or [] affiliation = [ c.replace( "For a full list of the authors' affiliations please see the Acknowledgements section.", "", ) for c in affiliation ] affiliation = "|".join(affiliation) else: affiliation = "" authors.append( { "lastname": lastname, "forename": forename, "initials": initials, "identifier": identifier, "affiliation": affiliation, } ) return authors def date_extractor(journal, year_info_only): """Extract PubDate information from an Article in the Medline dataset. Parameters ---------- journal: Element The 'Journal' field in the Medline dataset year_info_only: bool if True, this tool will only attempt to extract year information from PubDate. if False, an attempt will be made to harvest all available PubDate information. If only year and month information is available, this will yield a date of the form 'YYYY-MM'. If year, month and day information is available, a date of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' will be returned. Returns ------- PubDate: str PubDate extracted from an article. Note: If year_info_only is False and a month could not be extracted this falls back to year automatically. """ day = None month = None issue = journal.xpath("JournalIssue")[0] issue_date = issue.find("PubDate") if issue_date.find("Year") is not None: year = issue_date.find("Year").text if not year_info_only: if issue_date.find("Month") is not None: month = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find("Month").text) if issue_date.find("Day") is not None: day = month_or_day_formater(issue_date.find("Day").text) elif issue_date.find("MedlineDate") is not None: year_text = issue_date.find("MedlineDate").text year = re.findall(r"\d{4}", year_text) if len(year) >= 1: year = year[0] else: year = "" else: year = "" if year_info_only or month is None: return year else: return "-".join(str(x) for x in filter(None, [year, month, day])) def parse_references(pubmed_article, reference_list): """Parse references from Pubmed Article Parameter --------- pubmed_article: Element The lxml element pointing to a medline document reference_list: bool if it is True, return a list of dictionary if it is False return a string of PMIDs seprated by semicolon ';' Return ------ references: (list, str) if 'reference_list' is set to True, return a list of dictionary if 'reference_list' is set to False return a string of PMIDs seprated by semicolon ';' """ references = [] reference_list_data = pubmed_article.find("PubmedData/ReferenceList") if reference_list_data is not None: for ref in reference_list_data.findall("Reference"): citation = ref.find("Citation") if citation is not None: if citation.text is not None: citation = citation.text.strip() else: citation = "" else: citation = "" article_ids = ref.find("ArticleIdList") pmid = ( article_ids.find('ArticleId[@IdType="pubmed"]') if article_ids is not None else None ) if pmid is not None: if pmid.text is not None: pmid = pmid.text.strip() else: pmid = "" else: pmid = "" references.append({"citation": citation, "pmid": pmid}) if reference_list: return references else: references = ";".join( [ref["pmid"] for ref in references if ref["pmid"] != ""] ) return references def parse_article_info( pubmed_article, year_info_only, nlm_category, author_list, reference_list, parse_subs=False ): """Parse article nodes from Medline dataset Parameters ---------- pubmed_article: Element The lxml element pointing to a medline document year_info_only: bool see more details in date_extractor() nlm_category: bool see more details in parse_medline_xml() author_list: bool if True, return output as list, else reference_list: bool if True, parse reference list as an output parse_subs: bool if True, parse mesh terms with subterms Returns ------- article: dict Dictionary containing information about the article, including `title`, `abstract`, `journal`, `authors`, `affiliations`, `pubdate`, `pmid`, `other_id`, `mesh_terms`, `pages`, `issue`, and `keywords`. The field `delete` is always `False` because this function parses articles that by definition are not deleted. """ medline = pubmed_article.find("MedlineCitation") article = medline.find("Article") try: title = stringify_children(article.find("ArticleTitle")) or None except AttributeError: title = None if article.find("Journal/JournalIssue/Volume") is not None: volume = article.find("Journal/JournalIssue/Volume").text or "" else: volume = "" if article.find("Language") is not None: languages = ";".join([language.text for language in article.findall("Language")]) else: languages = "" if article.find("VernacularTitle") is not None: vernacular_title = stringify_children(article.find("VernacularTitle")).strip() or "" else: vernacular_title = "" if article.find("Journal/JournalIssue/Issue") is not None: issue = article.find("Journal/JournalIssue/Issue").text or "" else: issue = "" if volume == "": issue = "" else: issue = f"{volume}({issue})" if article.find("Pagination/MedlinePgn") is not None: pages = article.find("Pagination/MedlinePgn").text or "" else: pages = "" category = "NlmCategory" if nlm_category else "Label" if article.find("Abstract/AbstractText") is not None: # parsing structured abstract if len(article.findall("Abstract/AbstractText")) > 1: abstract_list = list() for abstract in article.findall("Abstract/AbstractText"): section = abstract.attrib.get(category, "") if section != "UNASSIGNED": abstract_list.append("\n") abstract_list.append(abstract.attrib.get(category, "")) section_text = stringify_children(abstract).strip() abstract_list.append(section_text) abstract = "\n".join(abstract_list).strip() else: abstract = ( stringify_children(article.find("Abstract/AbstractText")).strip() or "" ) elif article.find("Abstract") is not None: abstract = stringify_children(article.find("Abstract")).strip() or "" else: abstract = "" authors_dict = parse_author_affiliation(medline) if not author_list: affiliations = ";".join( [ author.get("affiliation", "") for author in authors_dict if author.get("affiliation", "") != "" ] ) authors = ";".join( [ author.get("lastname", "") + "|" + author.get("forename", "") + "|" + author.get("initials", "") + "|" + author.get("identifier", "") for author in authors_dict ] ) else: authors = authors_dict journal = article.find("Journal") journal_name = " ".join(journal.xpath("Title/text()")) pmid = parse_pmid(pubmed_article) doi = parse_doi(pubmed_article) references = parse_references(pubmed_article, reference_list) pubdate = date_extractor(journal, year_info_only) mesh_terms = parse_mesh_terms(medline, parse_subs=parse_subs) publication_types = parse_publication_types(medline) chemical_list = parse_chemical_list(medline) keywords = parse_keywords(medline) other_id_dict = parse_other_id(medline) journal_info_dict = parse_journal_info(medline) dict_out = { "title": title, "issue": issue, "pages": pages, "abstract": abstract, "journal": journal_name, "authors": authors, "pubdate": pubdate, "pmid": pmid, "mesh_terms": mesh_terms, "publication_types": publication_types, "chemical_list": chemical_list, "keywords": keywords, "doi": doi, "references": references, "delete": False, "languages": languages, "vernacular_title": vernacular_title } if not author_list: dict_out.update({"affiliations": affiliations}) dict_out.update(other_id_dict) dict_out.update(journal_info_dict) return dict_out
[docs] def parse_medline_xml( path, year_info_only=True, nlm_category=False, author_list=False, reference_list=False, parse_downto_mesh_subterms=False ): """Parse XML file from Medline XML format available at Parameters ---------- path: str The path year_info_only: bool if True, this tool will only attempt to extract year information from PubDate. if False, an attempt will be made to harvest all available PubDate information. If only year and month information is available, this will yield a date of the form 'YYYY-MM'. If year, month and day information is available, a date of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD' will be returned. NOTE: the resolution of PubDate information in the Medline(R) database varies between articles. default: True nlm_category: bool if True, this will parse structured abstract where each section if original Label if False, this will parse structured abstract where each section will be assigned to NLM category of each sections default: False author_list: bool if True, return parsed author output as a list of authors if False, return parsed author output as a string of authors concatenated with ``;`` default: False reference_list: bool if True, parse reference list as an output if False, return string of PMIDs concatenated with ; default: False parse_downto_mesh_subterms: bool if True, return mesh terms concatenated with "; " and mesh subterms concatenated " / " and appended with * if the subterm is major if False, return mesh_terms concatenated with "; " default: False Return ------ An iterator of dictionary containing information about articles in NLM format. see `parse_article_info`). Articles that have been deleted will be added with no information other than the field `delete` being `True` Examples -------- >>> article_iterator = pubmed_parser.parse_medline_xml('data/pubmed20n0014.xml.gz') >>> for article in article_iterator: ... print(article['title']) """ with, "rb") as f: for event, element in etree.iterparse(f, events=("end",)): if element.tag == "PubmedArticle": res = parse_article_info( element, year_info_only, nlm_category, author_list, reference_list, parse_subs=parse_downto_mesh_subterms ) res['grant_ids'] = parse_grant_id(element) element.clear() yield res