My name is Titipat Achakulvisut, a tenure track lectuer at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mahidol University, Thailand. I run Biomedical and Data lab here. I formerly obtained my PhD at the Department of Bioengineering at University of Pennsylvania with Konrad Kording. You can find out more info about me in my CV and lab website.


I also write Thai blogs with @bluenex at tupleblog. I generally write programming, machine learning, and data science posts here.

Stack Overflow and Open Source Projects

Apart from my blog, I also answer Python and PySpark questions on Stack Overflow and contribute to open-source projects including glm-tools/pyglmnet, PhABC/neuroSummerSchools, rkcosmos/deepcut, MrChrisJohnson/implicit-mf, benfred/implicit, etc.



You can find my Spotify playlist below.